Phobias can be the bane of your quiz performance. Ancient Greek and Latin are not topics that an amateur quizzer tends to want to jump into just for the sake of a point, but phobias come up an awful lot, and worst of all is the feeling that you ought to know them. I hope that, after a quick browse of the net, I can put an end to some of our head scratching. I'll try to group them where I can, but it's not always easy. This list will not contain all phobias or anything like that number. There is an awful lot that people can be afraid of, so I've tried to limit phobias that are either obvious or combined with other phobias.
This list is nowhere near finished. I've added some more categories, but there are a lot more to follow later.
Here are the ones that you need to know if you're going to have credibility on these things:
Heights - Acrophobia (not 'vertigo' which is the dizzy sensation often associated with looking down), also Altophobia
Spiders - Arachnophobia
Snakes - Ophidiophobia, also Snakephobia (but you won't get asked that!)
The Dark - Nyctophobia, Lygophobia, Scotophobia, Achluophobia
Fire - Pyrophobia, also Arsonphobia
Water - Hydrophobia
Flying - Aviophobia/Aviatophobia, also Pteromerhanophobia, Aerophobia
Open spaces - Agoraphobia
Enclosed spaces - Claustrophobia
Men - Androphobia, also arrhenphobia, hominophobia
Women - Gynophobia/gynephobia
People - Anthropophobia
Social/public situations - Social Phobia
Clowns - Coulrophobia
Dentists - Dentophobia
Animals - Zoophobia
Vomiting - Emetophobia
Death/dead things - Necrophobia
Cancer - Carcinophobia, Cancerophobia
Ghosts - Phasmophobia, Spectrophobia
Cemeteries - Coimetrophobia
Being buried alive - Taphephobia
Hell - Hadephobia, also Stygiophobia
God(s)/religion - Theophobia, also Zeusophobia
Multiple things - Polyphobia
Everything (apparently this is possible) - Pantophobia, also panophobia
Phobias - Phobophobia
Animals are always good ones to be aware of, and can also probably be of value in other quiz questions.
Animals (generally) - Zoophobia
Wild animals - Agrizoophobia
Spiders - Arachnophobia
Snakes - Ophidiophobia
Bats - Chiroptophobia
Mice - Musophobia, Muriphobia
Dogs - Cynophobia
Cats - Ailurophobia/Elurophobia, Felinophobia
Horses - Hippophobia, Equinophobia
Cows - Bovinophobia
Bulls - Taurophobia
Sheep - Ovinophobia
Otters - Lutraphobia
The Great Mole Rat (yes, I know) - Zemmiphobia
Frogs - Ranidophobia
Toads - Bufonophobia
Birds - Ornithophobia
Chickens - Alektorophobia
Fish - Ichthyophobia
Sharks - Selachophobia
Shellfish - Ostraconophobia
Insects - Entomophobia, Insectophobia
Moths - Mottephobia
Ants - Myrmecophobia
Bees - Apiphobia, Melissophobia
Wasps - Spheksophobia
Lice - Pediculophobia
This category is probably a lot more popular than you might think. Or at least, it is if you come from where I do.
Thunder and lightning - Astraphobia/Astropophobia, also Ceraunophobia/Keraunophobia, Brontophobia
Thunder (only) - Tonitrophobia
Heat - Thermophobia
Cold - Cheimaphobia/Cheimatophobia, also, Frigophobia, Psychrophobia
Extreme cold - Cryophobia
Snow - Chionophobia
Ice or frost - Pagophobia
Rain - Ombrophobia, Pluviophobia
Floods - Antlophobia
Fog -- Homichlophobia, Nebulaphobia
Wind - Anemophobia, Ancraophobia
Clouds - Nephophobia
The Sun - Heliophobia
Daylight - Phengophobia
The Night - Noctiphobia/Nyctophobia
Yes, unfortunately it seems there are people who are afraid of whole nationalities. A lot of these are pretty straightforward, so here are a handful to give you a flavour...
The English - Anglophobia
Americans - Americophobia
The French - Francophobia/Gallophobia
The Dutch - Dutchphobia
Germans - Germanophobia, Teutophobia
Russians - Russophobia
Indians - Indophobia
The Chinese - Sinophobia
Japanese - Japanophobia
Foreigners (in general) - Xenophobia
I'll can announce that after much procrastination, I will actually be back with more phobias over the next few days. If you can handle them.
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