Sunday 20 July 2014

The Second Quiz Fiend Outing - TGS Lowdown

The other highlight of the quizzing week is at the First Bowl Hereford Arena on Sundays. It's quite a tough cookie all in all, and once again the big money is separated from the main quiz. Tonight was a pretty standard affair, nothing spectacular, but not a total meltdown either.

The team: Me + 1 other
Total points: Joint 8th 49/82

The score probably looks worse than it is. The chief problem with our performance is that so much hinges on the music round, which is worth 20 points, and at which I am pretty much dreadful. Without the music round we had a much healthier 46/62.

Below are our kryptonite questions this week. Questions marked with a * are part of the Wipeout round.

Picture round: Buildings
a) One World Trade Center
b) The Shard
c) Victoria and Albert Museum
d) Hogwarts
Other Questions:
1) Ed Miliband succeeded who as leader of the Labour Party?
2) Podophobia is the fear of which body part?
3) England have been demoted to what in the FIFA World Rankings?
4) *Government military science park Porton Down is in which county?
5) *Who presents Sky Sports Super Saturday?
6) *How many pieces are there in a Jenga set, 48 or 54?
7) *Which confectionary item was the first product to incorporate a bar code?

The host read out the music round answers too fast for me to write them all down, but here are some of the 'classics' that we didn't get:

Trouble - Coldplay
Frozen - Madonna
Best Song Ever - One Direction
Too Many Broken Hearts - Jason Donovan

Suffice it to say, out score (3) was embarrassing, but not THAT embarrassing.

Below are the answers:
1) Gordon Brown
2) Feet
3) 20th
4) Wiltshire
5) Jeff Stelling
6) 54
7) Wrigley's Juicy Fruit Gum

The excuses:
a) I was fairly certain that this building was the Sear's Tower, but One World Trade Centre must have been having a bad hair day.
Quiz info: One World Trade Centre is the tallest skyscraper in the Western Hemisphere. There are currently 3 taller buildings in the world, all in Asia.
b) I suggested the Shard as a possible answer but, as only the top portion of the building was shown, we ended up going with Taipei 101, which was not such a bad guess.
Quiz info: The Shard is the currently the tallest building in the European Union
c) We had no idea and we obviously should have done. The locations of the buildings seemed a little too US/European centric, so we went for a wild stab at the New Delhi railway building. As it turns out, this was a TERRIBLE guess, the two look absolutely nothing alike.
Quiz info: The V&A museum opened in 1852 and shares Exhibition Road in Kensington with the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum.
d) To be fair to us, the (black and white) picture was so dark it could have been any castle, and Edinburgh Castle was probably the best we could come up with.
Quiz info: Hogwarts was once voted the 36th best educational establishment in Scotland.

1) Absolute disaster! As a politics student, this was one of those ones where I just shouldn't have overthought it. The main problem here was past bad experience where Vince Cable was once given on a Redtooth quiz as a 'Leader' of the Liberal Democrats. This influenced my (bad) decision to opt for Deputy Leader Harriet Harman. Harman assumed Brown's roles when he stepped down months before a new leader was elected in 2010 . Sometimes too much knowledge is a bad thing.
Quiz info: Gordon Brown used to date the exiled Princess Margaret of Romania whilst studying at Edinburgh University.
2) Misheard this as 'pogonophobia' and went for 'beards', which on reflection, doesn't really count as a body part.
3) I had read the answer earlier on today, but couldn't dredge it up. We went for 17. Apparently it's the worst England have been rated since 1996.
4) Wipeout conditions forbade me putting down the correct answer just in case.
Quiz info: Porton Down was originally set up as the Royal Engineers Experimental Station in 1916 in order to research chemical weapons.
5) Ditto. Not that I've ever seen the programme but I knew he was a sports presenter from watching his last series of Countdown.
Quiz info: Stelling was succeeded as host of Countdown in 2012 by Nick Hewer.
6) Wouldn't have guessed the right one here. Being multiples of 3 made the choices a steer clear area.
Quiz info: The word 'Jenga' comes from the Swahili meaning 'to build'.
7) Have a feeling I knew this once upon a time, but forgot it due to it being fairly useless information. Until now, of course.
Quiz info: Bar codes were first implemented in 1974.

A disappointing score on the main quiz was followed by a pretty sub par score on the money round. We needed 13/15 to win anything, but this time we were miles off...

1) Which comic was first published in December 1937?
2) After how many games are the balls first changed in a tennis match?
3) At 22 years and 47 days who was the youngest person ever to captain the England football team?
4) What is the largest city in Asia?
5) Which U.S. state is the only state to commercially grow coffee plants?
6) Who drives a car with the registration plate JGY 280?
7) What is the most abundant mineral in the Earth's crust?
8) Which band with a female singer shares its name with Hitler's dog?

The answers:

1) The Dandy
2) 7
3) Bobby Moore
4) Shanghai
5) Hawaii
6) The Queen
7) Quartz
8) Blondie/Blondi

There is never much time to think in the final fling, but still some of these misfires were unforgivable.

1) Naturally, we went for the Beano, first published in July 1938. Ugh!
Quiz info: After its print run ended 75 years later, the 'Digital Dandy' was launched online, but this did not prove to be a success.
2) Tennis is the only sport I really watch, but I usually don't see the first set of any game.
Quiz info: The standard amount of games for a change of balls is 9, but the first change occurs after 7 because the balls are used in the warm up rallies before the game starts.
3) Knowing that Beckham was born in 1975, which would have meant he became captain at some point in 1997, we opted for him (which we thought was about right). Not so.
Quiz info: Moore was born in 1941, and succeeded Johnny Haynes as captain on 29th May 1963 on only his 12th appearance for England. England went on to beat Czechoslovakia 4-2.
(Beckham first became captain in November 2000.)
4) Tokyo has the largest metropolitan area in the world, but sadly that was not the question.
Quiz info: There are over 24 million people in the Shanghai municipality.
5) If a state is the only state to do something, it's usually Alaska or Hawaii. My bad.
Quiz info: If Puerto Rico eventually becomes a state Hawaii will no longer hold this distinction.
6) Apparently this is the number plate of the Rover she drives around her estate. Who knew?
Quiz info: The car is a 1971 Rover PB5 3.5 Litre V8 Saloon.
7) Just ugh!
Quiz info: According to Wikipedia, the actual answer appears to be feldspar.
8) Can't believe I forgot about Debbie Harry. I suppose she has to be out of our thoughts at some point during the day...
Quiz info: The German Shepherd was given to Hitler as a present from right-hand man Martin Boorman. Apparently Eva Braun hated her. (Was this because Blondi was Hitler's bitch?)

So there we go. Another week of disappointment, but you can almost guarantee I'll be back next time. I will try and do some fact checking on these tomorrow. Bye for now.

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